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Revelations Podcast (formerly Loved by the King Podcast) is devoted to sharing the revelation of Jesus Christ and the freedom that comes from following Him.

Host Reagan Kramer digs deep into the redemptive stories and biblical teachings of her guests to give the listener wisdom, hope and a deeper understanding of who God is, who they are and how only God can use tragedy and difficult circumstances to bring purpose and life!

Listeners will also learn from Pastors, Evangelists, Authors, Missionaries and people whom God has moved to share His Word, His life saving power and His great love for the world.

“That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him.” Ephesians 1:17

As you listen may God illuminate divine truth to you and may the Spirit reveal His will for your life as you stand firm in the knowledge of how deeply you are Loved by the King!

headshot of Reagan Kramer

Revelations Podcast is hosted by

Reagan Kramer

produced in Minneapolis, Minnesota